Funny Mother’s Day Messages – Because if she doesn’t laugh, she’ll cry.
Most of the Mother’s Day messages out there are cheesy, sentimental gag-fests. But there are a lot of mums out there who like nothing more than to have a good laugh (generally at your expense). Avoiding vulnerable exchanges of emotion is an intrinsic part of our British heritage, so why do 90% of the Mother’s Day cards on offer contain generic soppy poems about flowers and feelings? What about those of us whose maternal relationships are built on a strong foundation of taking the piss?
Alternative Mother’s Day Messages that are more honest than honourable.
Your mum may love you unconditionally, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t acknowledge all the crap you’ve put her through. She used to be fun, you know. Now she just lies awake all night running through all the various scenarios in which you could break bones or get your feelings hurt. A night on the tiles for her is literally just standing on some tiles, most likely in the kitchen making sure your hungry ass is fed.
We know you didn’t ask to be born, but here you are; so make sure to get your mum a unique and awesome Mother’s Day present this year to say thanks for keeping you alive, then bring a smile to her face with these relatable Mother’s Day messages.
11 Mother’s Day messages for mums with a sense of humour:

Mother’s Day treats that think outside the chocolate box.
Why get her boring chocolates when you could get her chocolates that genuinely say “Thanks for putting up with my sh*t” on the wrapper? And why get her flowers when you could get her drinking dinosaur planters? Homemade jam? No thanks, we’re pretty sure she’d rather have spreadable gin & tonic marmalade. Check out our Mother’s Day collection and you’re sure to find something to make her the envy of all her mum friends and cement your position as the favourite child.